April 7, 2021
Due to a driver shortage, Tommy Jacques' elementary route (Bus 26) will run late in the AM & PM. Freida Otworth, Bus #25, will run her regular route, then immediately leav...
April 1, 2021
Congrats and thanks to this group of Mr. Haskins' High School art students! They created an alphabet coloring book for our younger students. The coloring book (which was professio...
March 24, 2021
Applications are now being accepted for the following coaching position. Please click on the corresponding link to see the minimum requirements and classifications. 2021-22 Jr. H...
March 19, 2021
Applications are now being accepted for the following coaching position. Please click on the corresponding link to see the minimum requirements and classifications. Girl's Varsit...
March 5, 2021
Applications are now being accepted for the following teaching position. Please click on the corresponding link below to see the minimum requirements and classifications. First G...
February 24, 2021
It's Tournament Time!!!
Unable to make it to the game tonight, watch it live! Just click below.
February 24, 2021
7:00 pm
Your school will ...
February 10, 2021
APPLICATIONS ARE NO LONGER BEING ACCEPTED FOR THIS POSITION. Applications are now being accepted for the following position. Please click on the corresponding link to see the mi...
February 8, 2021
The purpose of this 3 question survey is to gain parent/guardian input on an expanded return to school the final grading period. "Expanded Return" means more students currently on ...

February 6, 2021
I honestly don’t know where to start. I hope and pray that no one ever has to experience what we have in the past month or so. First hearing your child has cancer is every parents...
January 16, 2021
WATCH LIVE January 16, 2021 Your school will be LIVE on the NFHS Network today. Here are the links to watch your events LIVE today on the NFHS Network: GREEN HIGH S...
January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021 Your school will be LIVE on the NFHS Network today. Here are the links to watch your events LIVE today on the NFHS Network: GREEN H...
January 13, 2021
January 14, 2021
Your school will be LIVE on the NFHS Network today. Here are the links to watch your events LIVE today on the NFHS Network:
January 12, 2021
WATCH LIVE January 12, 2021 Your school will be LIVE on the NFHS Network today. Here are the links to watch your events LIVE today on the NFHS Network: GREEN HIGH...
January 9, 2021
WATCH LIVE January 9, 2021 Your school will be LIVE on the NFHS Network today. Here are the links to watch your events LIVE today on the NFHS Network: GREEN...
January 8, 2021
Watch Live
January 8, 2021
Your school will be LIVE on the NFHS Network today. Here are the links to watch your events LIVE today on the NFHS Network:
January 7, 2021
Live Events
January 7, 2021
Your school will be LIVE on the NFHS Network today. Here are the links to watch your events LIVE today on the NFHS Network:
December 15, 2020
Attention Bobcats Basketball Fans!
We realize that social distancing and facility restrictions have put limits on available tickets and seating, but we also know that our amazi...
December 9, 2020
Green Township School Keepsake Items: Reference Sheet
“Cup Kit” Ceramic Ornament (2-sided) Gym Floor Piece Number Available: 150
Purchase Limit: 1 each
December 9, 2020
This video explains how to order a "Cup Kit," Keepsake ornament, and piece of the gym floor. A regular document posting will follow shortly.