November 24, 2020
The Operations Plan has been updated to reflect the "Parent/Family Choice" option for Level 4 (Purple). Please note that if Scioto County goes to "purple," all extracurricular...
November 20, 2020
Please note: This calendar was developed in coordination with the Calendar Update "Fireside Chat." Holiday/Break Attendance Schedule
November 20, 2020
Dear Bobcats,
First and foremost, thank you for following our social distancing and face covering protocols. Your efforts help make our buildings some of the safest places to b...
November 12, 2020
Applications are now being accepted for three(3) Winter Clean-Up positions. Please click on the corresponding link below to see the minimum requirements and classifications. Win...
November 10, 2020
Hello, Bobcats.
Please see the attached information regarding a Silent Auction for scoreboards and backboards/rims from Green Primary. The minimum bids listed reflect the...
October 16, 2020
Hello, Bobcats.
abatement and demolition of Green Primary (the “Old High School”). It is with mixed emotions that we bring this historic building down, but the time is...
October 14, 2020
APPLICATIONS ARE NO LONGER BEING ACCEPTED FOR THIS POSITION. Applications are now being accepted for a 5.5 hour Custodian (Part-Time) position. Please click on the corresponding...
October 8, 2020
APPLICATIONS ARE NO LONGER BEING ACCEPTED FOR THIS POSITION. Applications are now being accepted for the following position of 5th & 6th Grade Math Teacher. Please click on th...
October 2, 2020
All-Call Update – Oct. 1, 2020 School Picture Information for Elementary and High School Students October 5, 2020…Group A (Monday/Wednesday Students) October 6, 2020…Gr...
August 28, 2020
All-Call Update - Aug. 27, 2020 1. Varsity Football Tickets
Players, Band Members, Cheerleaders, Dance Team: Up to 5 presale tickets per participant family are available for...
August 27, 2020
Have you or someone you have been around been exposed to COVID-19? Have you been tested? Was your results negative or positive for COVID-19? When do you return to school? You ...
August 27, 2020
All-Call Update (9 items) from Aug. 25, 2020
In case you missed something from that very long message, here you go!
We have created an “Online ...
August 26, 2020
IMPORTANT-Facility Use Requests in the Time of COVID-19 Any group wishing to use school facilities must complete a Facility Use Agreement at least 3 days in advance for the r...
July 13, 2020
In order to finalize our back-to-school plan, we MUST have an answer to the following questions for each and every student enrolled in the Green Local School District. We may need...
July 9, 2020
APPLICATIONS ARE NO LONGER BEING ACCEPTED FOR THIS POSITION. Applications are now being accepted for the following position of Educational Aide/Paraprofessional. Please click ...
June 9, 2020
In this edition of Fireside Chat - A Facilities Mini-Series, Mrs. Armstrong will discuss SOMC and the School-Based Health Center. Episode 3 - SOMC School-Based Health Center
June 8, 2020
Here is the latest video edition of Mrs. Armstrong's Fireside Chat - A Facilities Mini-Series, Episode 2 - The sidewalk.
Episode 2 - The Sidewalk
June 4, 2020
Mrs. Armstrong just launched a new mini-series called "Fireside Chat - A Facilities Mini-Series"! Watch for these monthly updates to learn about the steps being taken toward our...
June 3, 2020
The Green Local School District is seeking qualified substitute aides, nurses, and teachers. Click on the links below for more information on the requirements and how to sign up ...